The way we organize the time reflects our care for the natural needs of our students and our concern for an efficient learning process.

Connection Time
We start in the morning with some movement and personal development activities in order to connect to the group. 

Instruction and Contract Time
Once we are ready, physically and emotionally, each student makes his/her choice from learning challenges that they can address during their Contract Time (time for independent learning). They discover the ways in which they are better than yesterday at what they are studying. 

Then, we gather back as a group and discover new things about Communication, Maths, Social Studies or Science. Instruction time is flexible for each student, as they can choose, at any point, to continue autonomously if they do not need the teachers’ input.

Movement and Creative Time
The day ends with a creative activity or a language taught in a creative and relaxing way (through music, theatre, dance, art).

Reflection Time
Each day (in primary school) and each class (in secondary) ends with a time allocated for reflection and integration, in which children can give insights about their experience of learning.

On Friday, activities are organized around the idea that learning doesn’t happen only between the four walls of a classroom. Each class has at least two trips per month (one in the city, one in the forest), places where students can practice, observe and apply in real life the abilities we develop inside the classroom. Jay Thorne, our British teacher qualified in outdoor education, is joining the students every time they visit the forest.